Thursday, August 19, 2010

Musicals, Spaceships, & Aliens! Oh my!!

*** Dreamt August 18-19, 2010 ***

I was riding a bicycle north-bound on Main Street in Clearfield when I came across Andrew - the director from the musical I was just in ("Noises Off!"). He was heading South and in his arms was a stack of scripts. He asked me if I was going to go to the Amphitheater with him to start the rehearsals of the musical "State Fair", so I said, "Uh...sure!" He gave me a script and I turned around to go with him toward the amphitheater. At about this point I became aware that I was no longer riding a bicycle, but rather a unicycle...this has nothing to do with the rest of the dream, but I took note of it in the dream so I mention it here.

As we headed there, I started to have some confusion about performing this show. "Didn't we just do this show?" I asked. "No", he said, "it was over a year ago that 'Stage Fair' was last performed here." "No", I replied, "I'm sure it was just 2 months ago that we did 'State Fair'". Of course, in all actuality he was correct, but it was still odd to be doing the same musical 2 years in a row.

When we got to the amphitheater, Dallin - the assistant stage manager and "Prop Tart" from "Noises Off!" - was already there building the set for the show. Only it wasn't the was a space ship. There had been some sort of alien invasion and the remnants of the human race were escaping on massive space ships to colonize distant worlds. As I got on the ship I was directed to my chair/bed which is where I'd spend the next 2 years as we traveled to our destination. My chair/bed was sort-of propped up like a chair, but the top was a big cushion in the shape of a person lying down. I climbed onto it and lied down to try it was actually pretty comfortable.

Suddenly we were at our destination...some distant world to colonize. Apparently the hibernation took affect as soon as you got on the chair/bed, so I completely missed the whole journey.

Another guy on the ship called me over to show me something he'd discovered. He'd found an old iomega Jazz drive and was having it read a Jazz disc. I told him that was cool, and he said, "wait! watch THIS..." He then took out the Jazz disc and put in a CD. Before my eyes the Jazz drive evolved into a CD drive and started playing the CD. I had no idea how this was possible. Then he said something about how much stress it is being the leader of our people and suddenly the Jazz/CD drive attacked us. Its cord wrapped around my neck and the body of the drive was snapping at him. I knew what was happening...this drive was a computer-hybrid Zerg; the very alien race that we'd been fleeing from when we left Earth. This little robot zergling was lying in wait until it discovered who our leader was, then attacked him.

I was able to keep my fingers between the cord and my throat so as to keep it from choking me, and I backed-up enough that it couldn't quite reach our leader-guy, but it was struggling hard. It was about then that I woke up.

*** ***

1 comment:

AG said...

Wow. You have been dreaming a lot lately. Zerg, huh. Well I am glad the Clearfield is the center of the human resistance force. :)