Friday, October 31, 2008

Pyschic Dream?

*** Dreamt Oct 29-30, 2008 ***

I was in my house talking to my roommates in the kitchen. I decided to go to the front room to watch tv or something, and as I was headed that I way I noticed Michael (our former roommate) coming up the porch. I hadn't seen Michael in some time, so I was pretty happy to see him.

"What's up?!?", I said as he approached the door.

"Oh not much, man. I just wanted to see how that mechanic worked out.", he replied.

You see, in real life I'd spoken with him on the phone a few days prior and asked him about where to get my car door repaired, and he'd recommended a mechanic to me.

"Ya know", I said. "I haven't been able to contact him. I left him a message, but he hasn't called back." This is true, it happened in real life.

"Oh, that's weird", He replied.

Then I woke up.


Well last night (the day following that dream), Michael actually DID just drop by our house. It wasn't quite the same my dream it was light outside and in real life when he showed up it was already dark; also in my dream he was wearing a brown flannel shirt whereas in real life he was wearing his lifeguard hoodie. Still, I couldn't help but find it interesting how after not having seen Michael for at least a couple of months, that I had a dream about him dropping by and then he actually dropped by, all in the same 24-hour period.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's creepy.