Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm must be spring

I started running almost two weeks ago, and I now have this bizarre mixture of exhaustion and energy...two things that don't SEEM like they should be able to co-exist. My legs are super tired and rather sore, and yet I feel like I want to go run some more...stupid endorphins.

Every year I get all excited about the warm weather and I start exercising and by the end of the summer I'm typically in great shape (well..decent) and down 15-20 lbs or so from where I started, and then it starts to get cold again and I lose all motivation, so by the next summer I'm once again dreadfully out of shape and pretty much back where I was before the previous summer.

At the end of last summer my typical morning/evening run was a two mile trip that took me about 20 minutes (6 mph on average...not terrible). I've been doing the 2 mile thing again this year, and each time so far it's taken me closer to 30 minutes (4 mph...bleh). This is, of course, to be expected considering the majority of my exercise in the past 8 months has consisted of getting up from my computer to grab a soda. Still annoying, though.

Today I lifted weights for the first time since this exercise kick started. Oh man...I'm not sore yet, but I am SO MUCH going to be so tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Running is fun, but my favorite thing is to lift weights. You will feel sore, it will be totally worth it though. I don't know how you run in the mornings. I am so exhausted and tired that I want to go to bed.

Kendra said...

You are running again! That's awesome! I need to do the same thing but I'm one that has to exercise in the morning, but unfortunately I'm already getting up at 5:30 am as it is....

Oh well, the pains of exercising is worth it, they say. I hope you're not too sore. :)

Jenette said...

That's great that you are exercising, but do we live in the same town? Because I swear summer isn't here yet. It is STILL rainy and chilly. (Although, now I don't care and hope it rains all day because I don't have to be outside.)

AG said...

I experience the same phenomenon. But I have been doing it since January becuase of the impending hike. Now it has become a habit and I feel strange when I don't get my three miles in. I walk though--the lungs still can't handle running. But I will get there. Hope you are well my friend. I sure love you. :)