Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This just in: Work of Fiction May Not Represent the Truth

With the West Virginia democratic primaries, the massive earthquake in China, the deadly cyclones in the southern U.S., and the relief effort in Myanmar, one wonders how reporters with the AP/CNN had any time to research such a ground-breaking report as is found on CNN.com today in their article (I am not making this up):
Experts: 'Indiana Jones' pure fiction

That's right! The folks over at CNN have unraveled Steven Spielberg's greatest hoax: Indiana Jones is not a documentary!!

I know!! I was just as shocked as all of you!!

I, for one, am really hoping that this is the first in a series of 'outings' to be done by CNN...think of the possibilities!

Rocky Balboa...not a real boxer?

Yosemite Sam...not a real cowboy?

Luke Skywalker...not a real Jedi?

I shudder to think of what shocking investigative journalism CNN will undoubtedly dazzle us with tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens! That is absolutely shocking, I had no idea. My word is now coming to an end as I know it!!

Thaddeus said...

I think you mean your sentence is coming to an end. That's what happens when you put two exclamation marks on it.

AG said...

I for one am shattered...Luke Skywalker is not a Jedi? Does that mean the LOST is not real? Oh what a world we live in to shatter the dreams of a poor innocent girl...and others...sigh. I for one would love to get away from the primaries for a bit . . . but really now. The next thing they will be telling us is that Narnia is not waiting on the other side of my food cupboard door. Funny word that cupboard.

Jenette said...

Indiana Jones once inspired me to dream of becoming an archeologist. Then I learned that archeologists mostly just dust away for Indian pottery shards and such. Not quite as inticing as the adventure and glory seen in the documentary (oh wait, I mean movie).

Kendra said...

I have to say, Jinx, that when I need a good laugh, I read this blog. Seriously...you are very funny.

I was even telling my brother the other day that my friends are hilarious. I had him read this blog to prove my point. He had to agree.

Thanks for making me laugh!