Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tut, tut, it looks like rain...

I get SO annoyed at bad weather. It just sucks the energy right out of me and I want to sit around and be grumpy. I'm especially annoyed at the moment because (per my last post), I'd just gotten into the swing of being more active, and then all of this dreariness started looming over us in Logan. Sure, I could go the gym & be active, but being stuck inside isn't what I want...I want to be outside walking or running. Saturday, Sunday, & Monday I went on the nicest walks around where in particular...just briskly walking around for an hour or so, and it was great. But the last 3 days it keeps being all drizzley and nasty...I hate it.

It's kind of a strange thing how glancing outside has the power to change one's mood so profoundly. Stranger still is when the weather changes quite rapidly on you, and your mood follows. I definitely feel different when it's raining vs when it's sunny...even if I'm indoors. The most striking example of this was when I used to work in a windowless part of the building at SDL...there'd be days where when I got to work and it was cloudy and raining, so I'd be in a "rainy" mood all day, then suddenly I'd pass a window and see that it was now sunny outside, and I could practically feel my mood re-adjusting itself to match the weather. It's like when you go to the movies in the afternoon & you expect it to be night when you walk outside, but when you exit and all that sunlight so unexpectedly hits you, you have to sortof re-adjust your state of mind to be in a day-time mood instead of a night-time mood.

Am I the only one who experiences this? I can't be, right?


AG said...

I am right there with you. My aunt suggested I find a way to make rainy days and mondays into happy things. Like, on rainy days you eat soup and watch movies and be with the ones you love. Instead of feeling down , you should feel cozy right? That is the theory. Hmm. "rainy days and mondays always get me down."

Anonymous said...

I think you are crazy Jared. Rain is SO wonderful. Don't you ever just feel like walking around in it? I think that it makes everything smell so clean and pretty. I grew up at the base of the mountains and everything would just smell so 'green', if that is even possible! On the other hand, mondays are just evil.

Kendra said...

I have to say that I used to HATE rainy days...but coming from a state where it rained twice a week most weeks (4 days the first time and 3 days the second), I have come to realize that I miss it. I fall asleep so much better when I hear the pitter-patter of raindrops on my roof and window.

However, I do not think you are crazy. If it rains all day long for several days, I find that I'm not as cheery as I usually am. The sunlight just infused energy into my soul...that is one reason why I'm such a summer girl.

What is getting me about the weather pattern right now is that it is so cold. My goodness! It's June! It should be at least in the upper 70's everyday...not 55. That's spring or fall weather...and it's just not right when we have completed a full week of June. Some of you may disagree but I say, "Hot, sweaty temps? BRING IT ON!!!"

Thaddeus said...

I like it best when it's too overcast.

I also like variety: give me a few days of rain, and then some sun, and then frost. At least three loud thunderstorms. Maybe some tornadoes to bring in a little excitement.

Kendra's gonna reprimand me for that last comment.

Jinx said...

What is "too overcast", Thad? Is that when there are just too darned many clouds in the sky?

I'm just a fair weather person (and friend). I LOVE blue skies!

I have done more than my share of walking in the rain when I was in the Philippines, and I can definitely say that I prefer dry clothes.

Thaddeus said...

You nailed that definition.

You are right on about dry clothes, too. Dry clothes feel so good. I like it when my clothes are too dry.

Jenette said...

Well, lucky for you the rain stopped and it snowed! Ha. I too like the rain, just not when I have had to be in it for 2 months straight! And in wet pioneer clothes...that's fun. Oh, and starting fires in the rain, that's loads of fun. Also, having your entire staff moaning and groaning about the rain and why can't I do anything about it...that's my absolute favorite.

Of course, I no longer have a job, so I no longer care. It can rain and rain.

Kendra said...

I think a reprimand is in order!

Excitement??!! You think tornadoes are exciting??!! Tell that to the four boy scouts who died, and their friends who had to come across them dead. That's not excitement, it's a nightmare.

Be very careful what you wish for. It may just kill someone.