Wednesday, April 23, 2008

End of Semester School Dream

****** Dreamt April 22-23, 2008 ******

I was in class in the Geology building on campus. I've had a couple classes in that building, so nothing was particularly striking about that. I'm not sure what class was being taught, but the teacher was Dean Mathias - the guy who's teaching the game development class I'm currently taking. Dean went around the room passing back an assignment, on which I scored "+15". What that meant in my dream, was that this was an on-going assignment where we turn it in, he scores it, gives it back, then we do some more work on it and he scores it again, adding points...this, apparently, would go on several times.

At the end of class he called for the assignment to be turned back in so he could score it again, but I hadn't done anything new on it! I panicked. I rushed up and asked him what were the new things we were supposed to have done on it, and he said we were supposed to have been filling in several answers about how to use Secants and Cosecants as he was lecturing about them during class. I was really worried, 'cuz I hadn't been paying attention in class, so I asked if I could turn it in late. He told me that if I brought it to his house no later than that night, I could still receive full credit. I was SO relieved!!

I then proceeded out of the building, which seemed to lead into the HPER building, and I headed to some class I had there. I think it was supposed to be a theater class, but when I looked in, everybody was doing yoga. I kinda sneaked in and watched for a few minutes, then decided it was too weird and left.

Suddenly it was the next morning and I was going to class when I realized I'd forgotten to bring my assignment to my teacher's house!!! I was stressing big time. I figured he'd probably be out street racing, 'cuz my teacher (in my dream) was a really big car guy. I headed to a neighborhood in Syracuse where a friend of mine used to live and, sure enough, there was a whole ton of tricked-out cars getting ready to do some street racing, but I couldn't find Dean! I asked some people if they knew where he was, or where he lived (something I probably should have found out before I agreed to bring my assignment to his home the night before), but nobody seemed to know. I woke up right about then, quite panicked about needing to bring that assignment to my teacher, I started to get out of bed in a rush when reality set in.

****** ******


Anonymous said...

My interpretation:
You have been so stressed about getting your last and final project of the semester done. You were so worried that it wouldn't get finished that it was projected into your dream. Don't worry though, because you are now DONE for the semester! Yeah for you!

Thaddeus said...

Yea! Yea! Hooray for Jared!

He is done with his project, yay he is even done with school!