Saturday, November 26, 2011

(Not) My Dream Job

Lately I've starting having rather vivid dreams that I remember quite well in the morning, so I'm going to blog them while it lasts.

*** Dreamt Nov 25-26, 2011 ***

I was in a parking garage, getting ready to head up to my dad's office. He was going to try to help me get a job at his company, so I was there wearing a suit and tie, ready to go. I took the elevator up to his floor which was REALLY high-up...I'm not sure how tall, exactly, the building was, but it would probably be considered a sky scraper.

When I got to the right floor, I got off the elevator and found that the interior of the building was EXTREMELY reminiscent of the 4th floor of Old Main at USU. It was rather cramped, with low ceilings and narrow corridors. I went down the hall a ways and found my father's office. I poked my head in and he had a TINY office that was just FULL of stacks of papers. I started feeling claustrophobic and nervous about being there, but he seemed happy enough to see me.

He pulled himself away from his mass of paperwork and started leading me down the hall to someone who'd be over the hiring process. At this point I was feeling extremely anxious about being there, but it didn't last long because it made me nervous enough that I woke up.

*** ***

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