Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just Flying

*** Dreamt Nov 26-27, 2011 ***

I was flying!! Well...sortof hovering. I would get a running start, then jump up very high, and sort of just stay at the peak of my jump height, but continuing to move forward (love that inertia!). I was experimenting with different heights varying from just a few feet off the ground to the height of telephone poles. Much of my flying, actually, took place in and around power lines...this seems like a precarious place for flying, but I think I liked having something up there by me as I cruised forward in a cross-legged seated position through the air. It was a lot of fun!

I'd been flying around I-15 in Layton, so I stopped by at my friend S'ven's house (which in real life is NOT in Layton). He seemed to already know that I could fly, because he wasn't shocked at all by it. In fact, he suggested I shouldn't fly in such plain sight of the public. I agreed. This needed to be kept on the down low.

I decided the best way to keep it secret was to fly at higher altitudes. So I went outside and prepared to jump higher. I looked at the grass by my feet and jumped as high as I could. It was like being all the way zoomed-in on Google Maps, then mouse-wheeling down really quickly. I was EXTREMELY high and immediately became disoriented of where I was. I could see the Great Salt Lake, and surrounding areas of Northern Utah, but couldn't quite figure out where I'd just been and what, exactly, was directly below me. I needed to descend to a more manageable altitude. I went down, but too fast, 'cuz before I knew it I was back around the power lines again.

And then I woke up.

*** ***

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