Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tribond: "The Olympics", "Baltimore", "Jodie Foster"

If your guess was 3 things featured in my dream Sunday night, then you get a point!!

*** Dreamt Aug 31-Sept 1, 2008 ***

I was in Logan at the huge new Olympic speed speed-skating venue with my parents. We had pretty amazing seats and were having a great time watching the skaters cruise around the rink as they strove to make it to the finals. As the night started to wind down, my parents started discussing whether they were going to go back to West Point or if they should just go to Baltimore, Maryland.

I asked what was in Baltimore, and my mom pulled out his huge genealogy poster she and my aunt had been working on. I didn't know how to read it, 'cuz it wasn't really a pedigree chart...more like a big table with names in the column and row headings, and smiley-face stickers in several of the squares. Apparently my mom had found some long-lost relatives that now lived in Maryland, so she wanted to go visit them.

As this discussion was happening, Jodie Foster showed up. She came and sat right next to me. She was very nice and was talking to EVERYBODY around us. I really wanted to take a picture to prove I'd seen her, but all I had was my cell phone camera and I was embarrassed to take of picture of her with it. So I set the phone on my lap like I was texting and kept trying to take stealthy pictures of her, but none of them turned out. Sorry. :(

*** ***


Thaddeus said...

I'd say the photo you got there looks pretty good!

Thaddeus said...

Last night my dream was that you had cloned yourself three times. I don't know if it was for a class or for work or just a cool hobby you had.

Eventually, you needed to get rid of them, so you decided to test out your natural response to death. You had one drive into the side of a building, another one into a lake, and the last one may have been poisoned indoors by a bad taco. The Jinx-clones apparently willingly submitted to your requests.

It was weird to see your dead body in all those places. At first I was mostly fine with it, but Beetle and my family came up to install carpet (which was the ugliest pink floral pattern) and when she started stumbling across your clones' bodies, she was disgusted. It was then that I realized how morbid you were to do that. Don't you know that clones have feelings, too? I also started wondering what the cops would say if they found out about it. They wouldn't understand that they were just clones.

I ordered you at least to clean up the mess, and you did. What did you do with the bodies?

Jinx said...

As I recall you simply ordered the bodies be didn't say how; and let's be frank, you probably don't want to know.