Monday, April 12, 2010

No One Expects The Korean Inquisition!!!

*** Dreamt April 10-11, 2010 ***

I woke up to find myself in a large room I'd never been in was somewhat reminscent of the kinda of large, technology-filled, possibly built in a volcano type structure that that Bond villians are so fond of keeping as their secret lairs.

A quick glance around the room showed me who my captor was: Kim Jong Il.

I had a few moments of panic, considering I'd just been taken captive by this diminutive leader of communist North Korea, but then he was actually quite a nice little fellow. He offered me some food, and quite courteously began asking me questions about our government's secrets.

I'm not really sure what led him to believe that I might KNOW any of our government's secrets, but that's why I was there.

About then I woke up.

*** *** ***

1 comment:

Thaddeus said...

I see the North Koreans have developed a working dream inducing machine, but I had no idea they could make it work from long distance like that.

Just be glad you didn't have any secret information. You could have gone to federal prison! I'll be wearing my foil cap tonight.