Friday, December 5, 2008

Updates, Office Hockey, and New Extreme (well kinda) Sports

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've written anything on here!! I guess my daily 90-120 minute commute has made me second think frivilous time consuming activies like blogging. The new job is great, but it, coupled with the commute, has also led me to a much stricter sleep schedule. Most nights I'm in bed by 10:30pm now and up before 7:00am!! I don't know if that EVER happened at BkE!

My crazy schedule hasn't interupted my crazy dreams, however, just my writing about them. Here's a wacky one from a few nights ago...

*** Dreamt December 2-3, 2008 ***
I was playing roller-hockey with all my friends from The Office (yes, that's tv's The Office). In my dream, Jim & I were best friends and I may have actually worked at Dunder Mifflin. Anyway, we were all at this big roller rink, skating and playing hockey. Angela glared at us from the stands. Jim was REALLY good, and was telling me about the league he played on. Pam and I decided that she and I would join an adult beginners hocker league, then the following season we could join Jim's league. It seemed like a great idea, and we were all pretty psyched on it.

Then everything changed. I was the host of a television show the premise of which was that I'd go out and try new, exciting, or wacky extreme sports from around the world. The first sport I did was somewhat resemblant to ice dancing in that you and a partner of the opposite gender were on a moving skate and doing acrobatic dancing. It differed from ice dancing dramatically, however, in that you weren't on ice, you were on a long skateboard. Not only that, but while on the skateboard the guy was wearing one long snow ski, and the girl was wearing huge graphite spheroids on her feet. So this was how it worked: The couple is wearing these things and riding a skateboard together through an obstacle course, meanwhile they're doing acrobatic dancing, but the result of the footwear was that the girl had to jump or be lifted whenever the guy turned so she wouldn't be taken out by the long ski he was wearing and the ball-things on her feet made it so she could actually jump off the board and skid along on the ground and slide over obstacled and stuff. I actually tried it in my dream. It was tough.

Then I was whisked away to China to try another extreme sport: Synchonized Meditation. This sport had been popular in China for thousands of years, but only now the west was learning about it. Here's how it worked: A group of 2 or more people (usually wearing swimming suits) would lather vaseline all over themselves, then all lie in a big group on the backs RIGHT next to each other. Something about the vaseline made their mental connections more fluid. So all these people are lying right next to each other meditating, and suddenly all of them would move in perfect unison. Basically the idea was that you would mediate and become so "one" with the group, that you could sense the movements everyone else was making AS they were making them, so you could also make the movements. I was doing this episode from the Great Wall of China, and there were TONS of groups of slimely people all over the wall slinking around as groups. It was bizarre, but it was my show so I had to give it a go. Me and my host in China got all greased up and lied down side by side, but we were having a tough time getting synched up. We'd both move, but they were different movements. I guess I didn't have the knack for it.



Anonymous said...

Crazy dream. I can't believe you are actually going to bed early, that is a miracle!!!

Thaddeus said...

The vaseline part probably came from how much you miss me spreading vaseline on your face while you slept.