Wednesday, July 9, 2008


If you are lkie me, then you plbbraoy rcvieee your sarhe of rnadom ealims taht ciotnan random jkeos, funny pceiutrs, or lsits of stnrgae and irtsnnetieg ftacs. One scuh eaiml taht I've seen ciaurlectd seevarl temis is the cailm taht pelpoe tend to jsut skim over wdors wlihe rdeinag, and throefree the atcual oedrr of the leertts is not vrey itpnmaort. The email cialms taht athulogh i'ts srtagne to look at, the aervage psroen can siltl read at aobut the smae rate so long as the fsrit and lsat letrtes of the wodrs raimen in pacle. Well I hvae dcedied to put taht cialm to the test.

As I am srue it is ovrely obuvois to aynone rineadg this psot, by the time I ataclluy pibuslh tihs to my blog, this etnry will hvae been scblmeard fllownoig the guiiendle taht just the fsrit and lsat ltretes need to rimean in tiher prpoer plcaes. To tset out the toehry I just sepnt aobut 10 mintues wriintg a litlte prrgoam taht tkaes a text file, sptlis up all the wdors and then scremblas the inenr letrets. I am cuerlrtny wrntiig this psot unisg natoepd, then rghit bferoe I piusblh it, I will run it trohguh my pgroarm and chcek out the retusls.

I was qiute iemsepsrd at how eailsy I was albe to raed the llitte massgee taht cmoes with taht eaiml...I wednor if it wlil be as easy to raed this, or if taht eamil csohe vrey spfeciic wodrs that it knew wloud be easy to read when sbrleamcd. Let me konw!


Thaddeus said...

It was pretty easy to decipher, but I wouldn't say I could read it at the same rate. I had to read some of the longer words a little more carefully before I got them.

Can I have a copy of your program? It will be very useful to me.

Anonymous said...

Taht wnas't too bad. Lkie Tahd, I had to re raed a cupole of the lneogr wdros too. I feel lkie it gevis my biarn a ltilte eresxice!

AG said...

Ahh! my life as an English teacher is over!

Kendra said...

Pretty cool! You know our brains are wonderful things. We probably have all those words coded and memorized in those itty-bitty neurons, so it is almost automatic recognition.

I read almost at regular speed. I think you should write a novel using your program. Talk about a teaser for your brain!! I wonder if it would make someone tired to read. :)

Tina said...

LOL! I've heard that before... it was pretty easy to read. I missed a word here or there, but still easy enough to understand what was going on.

DLErnstrom said...

Were you clocked in while you wrote the program? ;)


Willie said...

Tihs has nihntog to do wtih yuor psot, but I tuohhgt you mgiht be itentreesd.

Anonymous said...

Jared you need a new blog. . . . Have you had any new dreams lately?