Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Drunken Nights With No Hangover!!

This past week I've had 3 (THREE!) nights where I dreamt that I was drunk. It's not a recurring dream per se, as the circumstances change in each dream, but definately a recurring theme. Now not ever having been drunk I don't know what it really feels like, so I don't know how accurate my dreaming representation of it is...basically I just feel really relaxed and kinda dizzy. It was actually kinda nice, lol. Don't worry, I'm not gonna go out and buy a liter of Jack Daniel's or anything...anyway, I think I'd be more of a Scotch man...there's just something sexy about scotch...not sure what it is.

AAAANYWAY...The question in my mind is, 'WHY do I keep having dreams in which I'm inebriated?' Back when I read the "The Outsiders" I had LOTS of dreams in which I smoked, but smoking is a big topic in that book (and EXTREMELY romanticized), so it doesn't surprise me that it was on my mind, but why all these dreams about being drunk is beyond me. My only conclusion is that I had the dream once and it was just a weird random thing, but then I kept thinking about that dream, so I dreamt about it again, and now it's sorting of turning into a self-perpetuating theme of my dreams.

Oh well...I guess I can't complain, they're not "bad" dreams, and I get to experience something that I'll never get to in real life...even if it is only what I imagine it would be like.


AG said...

So I heard you had the dreaded cold that lasts forever. Maybe your cough syrup was the vehicle for these dreams. HMMM . . . as for scotch maybe you are channeling Sean Connery.

Kendra said...

" sober... (1 Thessalonians 5:8). Just a little scripture to run over and over in your mind as you fall asleep at night. :)

Crazy dreams, Jared!! Although if you are channeling Sean Connery, please come over right away and talk to me! His accent makes me melt EVERY TIME!

Anonymous said...

You have no blogged in so long, why?

Jinx said...

Hey, I've blogged more recently than you! =p

Jenette said...

Yep...I agree with the cough syrup theory. It can do crazy things. I would be interested to see how long these dreams carry on, though.

Jinx said...

Sadly the night prior to posting this blog was the last night I had drunken dreams.

Kendra said...

Did you take my advice????