Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So my poor, poor niece Addison developed RSV last weekend which then turned into pneumonia AND bronchitus!! To try to soften the blow of the dangerously sad picture below of her in the hospital last weekend, I've included 2 pictures of when she was in Utah (and healthy) over Christmas.

Awww, what a cute Santa-Baby!!!

Boxes are WAY funner than toys, anyday!!

Sad, sad Addison in the hospital last week right after having her oxygen hooked-up, having her first nebulizer treatment, and undergoing SEVERAL unsuccessful attempts at giving her an i.v....they tried in each of her arms AND in her foot to find a good vein to use, but all they succeeded in doing was torturing the poor kid. =(

What a poor, poor baby! It makes me wanna cry!

She's doing much better now, though.
Here's proof:

She's still not back to 100%, but she's home and feeling much, much better.


Anonymous said...

Jared- the pictures won't show. But I'm glad she is felling somewhat better.

Jinx said...

I think I fixed it so they should be working now.

Kendra said...

What a sweetie! I'm glad she's feeling better too. Being sick is terrible for anyone, but when a baby gets sick it's that much worse because they don't understand what's going on. I'll send some prayers her way.

BTW - It's good to see you blogging again. :)

Jenette said...

It is good to hear she is feeling better. Being sick when you are little can be pretty scary. She's a cutie though!

Kendra said...

I've got it! I know why you are so sick! You are trying to empathize with Addison. You are a great uncle.

Elissamae said...

Jinx, I am so sorry your niece was feeling sick! AND I am sorry you are sick (if you still are) I hate being sick. I am glad she is feeling better though!