Friday, February 19, 2010

You know...Colt.

*** Dreamt Feb 14-15, 2010 ***
I was at Butterknifes Estates and we were all downstairs having a little party. We decided to play Mafia, but instead of normal Mafia with the ordinary roles (Mafia, detective, etc..) we were going to play Monty Python Mafia, where all the roles were based on characters from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

We went around the room, drawing our roles from a hat and when I got my slip of paper I saw I was supposed to be "Colt". I was confused. I thought these were supposed to be characters from The Holy Grail...I've seen that movie at least a dozen times...who is 'Colt'???

So of course I asked someone, to which they replied, "You know...Colt." He could apparently see from my expression that I didn't know, so he pantomimed Colt for me by doing a little dance and singing in a high-pitched voice "Heeey, I'm Coooolt....". I had no idea what was going on.

My old high school drama teacher was sudden amongst the party guests and started laughing at me and said, "Geez, I thought you knew that movie!" I was so confused!! I DO know that movie!! I demanded access to a computer and immediately looked it up on IMDB. Sure enough, there was the character Colt, but turns out he was a character in a DIFFERENT Monty Python movie!! I felt super vindicated and woke up.

*** ***


Thaddeus said...

You're not supposed to tell the other players who you are. Who was there at the party?

Jinx said...

Lol, I didn't know how to BE Colt. I HAD to ask!! I know you and Bret were there, I think the rest were identity-less in my dream.