Thursday, December 6, 2007

Why I currently have a goatee...


Anonymous said...

That is crazy. You look good with your goatee. I know a lot of people don't like beards or mustaches or goatees, but I do.

Kendra said...

You know, Jared, I think you and goatees go hand in hand. Do you remember when I thought I had never seen you without one? (Not one of my best "brunette" moments.) I think you look great either way.

BTW - Best of luck on your finals. You will ACE both of them I'm sure!! :)

AG said...

Jared, you always were a forward thinker. I don't know about the power of uncoolness though, it might backfire on you. Did you know that there are several different types of goatee, let us classify yours:

Goatee styles courtesy of Wikipedia
Musketeer - a small, pointed goatee with an English moustache (narrow, prominent), as worn by the French mousquetaires
Van Dyck - a thick goatee and moustache with upturned ends, as worn by the 17th century Flemish painter, Sir Anthony van Dyck. In modern usage, a Van Dyck is often any moustache and goatee combination.
Depending on the wearer and their personality, goatees are worn either fully maintained, trimmed daily, or alternatively, they can be worn quite robust.

In the state of Kerala, India, the goatee is also popularly referred to as a Bulganin, after the erstwhile premier of the Soviet Union.

At Lafayette College, number 68 on the football team, wears a goatee deamed "the hart" referring to part of his last name, Ryan Hart-Predmore.

Similar facial hair styles
The royale (or impériale) is a tuft of hair under the lower lip (without a goatee, but perhaps worn with a moustache). While the royale was historically worn by French officers as a badge or adornment of military rank or status, it is not technically a goatee. It is sometimes referred to as a "soul patch", "jazz dot", "nubbin", "flavor saver", or "trombone lip".[citation needed]
A tiered goatee is a goatee that has variable lengths of hair to create a multi-leveled beard. This is used to create some sort of distinction between different sections of a beard.
Chin beard - a beard formed solely by a tuft of hair on the chin (i.e. lacking accompanying mustache)
Circle beard - a chin beard and moustache which are connected by hair on either side of the mouth to form a complete circle.