Friday, October 12, 2007

What an exhausting week!

When I was a student at SDL I often wished I could work a few more hours each week to give me a little financial boost, but now that I'm working 30-40 hours each week, my GOODNESS!!! I had no idea how exhausting working full time and taking classes could be!!

Happily we're at another Friday, and I've got big plans. First I need to go to school...that'll be about a half hour. Then I'll sit in class for 2 hours and try not to sleep. Next I'll meet with my project partner for one of my classes and we'll do homework for about 3 hours, and I'll try not to sleep. But THEN!! Woo!! Pumpkin Carving Party!! What I like to call, PCP! yeah...that's the good stuff.

I stayed up super late last night because once I'd finished all my homework I, of course, needed to find some ideas of things to carve. After scrouging around a bit I found 3 pictures on my computer that I converted into pumpkin carving patterns...if ya wanna see what they are, you better come carve a pumpkin at our house tonight!!

Tomorrow's also going to be a fun-filled day, as I am going down to West Point for a planning meeting for this year's pumpkin walk (where there's going to be a reporter from one of the local papers). Also tomorrow night my brother, my cousin, my best friend, and me are going to have a Halo 3 party! We're excited. In Halo 3 you can, apparently, have up for 4 people all playing through the story-mode of the game cooperatively...and that's always super fun! I'm a big fan of co-op play.

I can't believe it's already pumpkin carving time!! Such fun! Here's a pumpkin I carved 2 Halloween's ago. It took MUCH longer than I thought it would, and really didn't turn out a cool as I thought it would (considering how much time I spent), but I still thought it was a pretty good one. ...Good enough to share on here, at least. ^^


Anonymous said...

The pumpkin carving party was awesome. I had so much fun and Jared, you are such a good instructor. By the way, my pumpkin had a palm tree on it.

Kendra said...

Wow! I think the Spiderman pumpkin is truly awesome!!

Thank you for sharing your talent (and tools) with us. It was great fun to learn some techniques to true pumpkin art.

I'm now WAY excited for your pumpkin walk...and I'm up for going!

Thaddeus said...

I really like the Spiderman one. I don't know what you're talking about.

AG said...

i think that Jared has such high expectations for himself that he sees what we cannot see. To the mortal eye we see an amazing work of art, in the PC psyche all that is seen are the flaws. Sigh...we mortals are lucky to rub shoulders with the greats.

The party was very fun. I am glad that I was there and I look forward to the pumpkin walk also!

Elissamae said...

Okay, can there be at least one more 'PCP' before Halloween comes? I really would like to come...last weekend was just kind of crazy. Just let me know if that would be great. I totally missed your pumpkin walk!!! I am really bummed actually...nb, I really like your Spiderman pumpkin...I think it's awesome!